How to Start a Team
Iowa 7v7 football was started in 2019 by Trevor and Jennifer Bollers to help with the growth of the sport in Iowa. It is a registered non-profit organization that is incorporated in the state of Iowa.
Iowa 7v7 Football has 3 primary tasks:
Hold the 7v7 Summit.
Host several events each year across the state, including state championships.
Run the Grass Roots 7v7 program which will help teams get started.
Iowa does not have huge 7v7 football exposure yet. We are at the beginning of this and Texas is already in their 25th year of state championships in the game. 7v7 is used in all football practices to work specifically in the passing game. It does not require flags and is one hand touch. There is no blocking in 7v7 so contact is minimal.
The divisions include 10U, 12U, 14U, 15U, and 18U. We ask that 10U kids are at least 8 years old to participate in events because the kids they would compete against would be two years older than them.
Team Makeup
Teams at a minimum need 7 players. Normally teams do not exceed 20 players with most being 9 to 15 players. Kids can play on both sides of the ball and teams are encouraged to have multiple quarterbacks.
Most teams will have one offensive and one defensive coach. This allows for more one-on-one time with the athletes and will help make coaching tournaments easier.
It is important to have social media platforms to market your team, especially Twitter and Facebook. This will get your athletes and organization in the spotlight, and it is a good place to show highlights.
Teams should try to practice one to two times per week. This will develop chemistry amongst teammates and allow for growth through the season. Most teams will have their first round of tryouts (if players haven’t already been recruited) in late November/December and their second round in late December/January. Practice typically starts in February or March depending on indoor facility availability.
Normal 7v7 uniforms are a sleeveless compression shirt and shorts. We are proud to announce we have a full gear page now available! You can get soft shells, footballs, and uniforms from our partners, everything you need!
Accidents happen and it is important to cover coaches, volunteers, and the organization. Some places will not let you practice anywhere on their property without proof of insurance. We highly recommend you work with Skogman Insurance out of Cedar Rapids, as they are familiar with these policies. Let them know you are coming from Iowa 7v7 Football so they understand what coverage you need. You will need this type of coverage if you do any indoor work during the winter at a school or other facility.
Balls - It is important to get the correct ball size for your team depending on the age group you are coaching.
10U - Peewee Size K2
12U - Junior Size TDJ
14U - Youth Size TDY
15U - Regulation NFHS Ball
Varsity - Regulation NFHS Ball
Soft Helmets – These are required for most events but not all. There is a massive difference in the price of these helmets as well as quality. Rock Solid is a partner with us, so these can be ordered through Iowa 7v7 Football for discounted pricing.
Mouth Guards - Mouth guards are required to compete in 7v7 football.
There are many Iowa 7v7 Football partner tournaments sprinkled across the Midwest. There are also several large national 7v7 organizations around the country as well as regional organizations. Iowa 7v7 Football is not affiliated with any of the national or regional organizations. Our tournaments offered will have the same rules, process, registration location, and more. Our current event offerings can be found below.