Midwest 7 on 7 Football
2025 Official Rules
Last updated 02/03/2025
1. Field Dimensions:
Field Length: 50 yards total, with a 40-yard playing field and a 10-yard end zone.
Width: Minimum of 40 yards for youth (10U, 12U, and 14U). A regulation field is preferred when space permits.
2. Starting Each Game:
Coin Toss or Rock Paper Scissors:
Home team calls the toss.
The winner begins possession at the +40 yard line.
In bracket play, the higher seed chooses offense or defense.
A whistle signals the start of the game.
Game Duration: 25-minute running clock.
Clock stops only for official or coach timeouts.
One 30 second timeout per team per game.
If time expires while a team scores, they may attempt a 2-point conversion on an untimed down.
They have 30 seconds to snap the ball
A game cannot end on a defensive penalty; instead, an untimed down will be played.
QB has 4 seconds to throw the ball, starts when the ball is snapped
A whistle signals the end of the game.
Official Score and Time: Kept by referees and field manager.
Mouth Guards: Mandatory for all players except the QB.
Soft Helmets: Optional, but event organizers can make them mandatory.
3. Moving the Ball:
Starting Position: Offense starts on +40 yard line after any change of possession.
Offense cannot be penalized or sacked back beyond the +40.
3 downs to reach the 25 and 10-yard first down markers.
3 downs to score inside the 10-yard line.
Quarterback (QB):
The first player to control the snap is the QB and is ineligible to run.
The offense may run the ball as many times as they wish. The QB can only make one exchange (pass, handoff, or toss). No trick plays are allowed (toss passes, hook and ladders, or reverses).
QBs cannot run, but can evade a blitz in the backfield where the 4-second clock is no longer valid.
Snapping the Football
All snaps must come from the ground or a QB Tee at the line of scrimmage
A bench player or the one on field coach must snap the ball for the QB
Fumbled/Dropped Snap results in a dead ball and loss of down, with the ball returned to the original line of scrimmage.
4. Coaching Your Team:
Offensive Coaches: One allowed on the field behind the huddle. No defensive coaches allowed on the field.
Coach Conduct:
Coaches cannot challenge rulings, the call on the field is final.
Sideline warnings may lead to penalties or ejections after multiple violations.
Sideline Coaches: No more than 5 allowed on the sidelines.
Bench or Substitute Players: Must be on the sideline, not behind the offense.
Any player not involved in the play must be on the sideline
5. Special Rules:
No Blocking: Shielding, picking, or obstructing defenders is not allowed.
Pass Interference:
Face guarding allowed.
High school rules apply for interference/contact.
Ball Carrier: Tagged down by one-hand touch below the neck. A defender may leave their feet to make a tag.
Play Clock:
Offense has 30 seconds to snap the ball from a dead ball.
Dead ball = When the whistle blows to end the play.
The offense is responsible for retrieving and returning the ball to an official.
Delay of game results in a loss of down.
Teams may not use a two ball system, players must retrieve the ball after each play and bring it back to the line of scrimmage.
Defensive Penalties: Result in a first down at the next marker or at the 1-yard line.
Offensive Penalties: Result in a loss of down.
Quarterback Time Limit: 4 seconds to throw the ball, unless blitzed.
Defense allowed one blitz per game, including overtime.
Sacks are down where spotted, but the ball cannot be placed beyond the 40-yard line.
Defensive players may not cross the line on a run play until the QB hands the ball off. If they do, that will be considered a blitz.
Players who cross the line while jamming a receiver will be charged a blitz.
Play stops immediately. The intercepting team takes over at the 40-yard line.
We encourage team celebrations, please feel free to celebrate during the event.
Excessive celebrations will result in a first down or loss of down on the next drive.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct:
Fighting and taunting will NOT be tolerated.
Two unsportsmanlike conduct penalties result in ejection from the game.
Profanity can be an unsportsmanlike conduct.
Fans, coaches, or players can cause a sideline penalty.
Fighting or throwing punches results in ejection from both the game and the tournament.
Brawl or multiple ejections = Suspension.
6. Tie Breaker:
Tiebreaker Process:
Coin toss to decide choice of possession, away team calls. If bracket play, the higher seed gets choice.
Each team gets 1 snap from the 40-yard line.
Deepest completion wins, gaining 1 extra point.
If tied or neither side completes a pass, repeat the process.
7. Event Bracket Format:
Based on Day 1 performance.
Minimum of 3-4 games per team during the event. (Pool + Tournament)
Seeding Criteria:
Fewest points allowed.
Total points scored.
Point differential.
Rock, Paper, Scissors.
8. Scoring and Point Values:
Touchdowns: 6 points.
1 free extra point can be chosen or 2 extra points for scoring on a play from the 10-yard line.
Tiebreaker Victory: 1 point.
Interception = 2 points and possession at the 40-yard line.
No points awarded for interceptions in overtime or on 2 point conversions.
9. Penalties:
Offensive Penalties
Penalty Result
Penalty Result
10. Eligibility:
Multiple Teams in the same Age Division:
First team in each age group must be D1, the second team may be D2.
Wristbands will be assigned for each player to differentiate the teams.
Players cannot play on more than one team in the same age division in an event.
11. Age Rules for Midwest 7v7 Football:
Age-based rules are used to simplify verification and prevent players from aging out during the season.
Players are eligible to play up or in higher age divisions (14yo can play in 15u or 18u)
Players are NOT eligible to play down or in a lower age division (14yo can not play in 12u)
High School - 18U Division
No player that is older than 18 on 12/31 of the previous year is eligible to play. Your age must be 18 or younger as of January 1 of the current season.
Freshman - 15U Division
Players must be 15 or younger on January 1, of the current year
Middle School Division - 14U Division
Players must be 14 or younger on January 1 of the current year.
Youth Division - 12U Division
Players must be 12 or younger on January 1 of the current year.
Child Division - 10U Division
Players must be 10 or younger on January 1 of the current year.
Age Verification during events
Coaches are recommended to keep a binder or some sort of media with them containing identifying copies of information for all team participants.
Acceptable forms of identification documents printed or digital
State ID
Drivers Permit/License (Preferred)
Birth Certificate
Player eligibility disputes
There are NO player eligibility disputes allowed. All players are age verified before the event to ensure a fair and proper tournament. Any questions regarding this process can be directed to the tournament director after the event. Games will not be delayed for coach concerns.
Football Sizes
10U - Pee Wee
12U - TDJ
14U - TDY
15U/18U - Regulation NFHS ball
Appendix: Tournament Rules and Processes Explained
1. Coach Responsibilities:
1.1 Coaches are responsible for knowing and educating players on all rules.
1.2 Sideline maintenance and timely paperwork/payment submission are the coach's responsibility.
1.3 Team rosters must be entered and updated before each event.
1.4 Players must be on the team’s roster for each event to be eligible to play.
2. Starting Each Game:
(2) (C) Clarification. Time announcements at 15, 10, 5 minutes, with consistent updates in the last 2 minutes.
3. Moving the Ball:
(3) Clarification. One exchange per play; no additional ball exchanges during a live play. (Flips, hook and ladders, double pass, etc)
(3) (C) Clarification. The QB may not exit the field of play behind the line of scrimmage, if they do it results in a dead ball and loss of down. Section (3)(C)(c) still applies to the QB.
(3) (D) (c) Clarification. Fumbles post-QB exchange result in a dead play; ball spotted where the fumble occurred.
4. Defensive Play Rules:
4.1 Defensive players do not have to look for the ball in the air.
4.2 No physical impeding allowed until the receiver touches the ball.
4.3 Blitz allows sending as many defensive players across the line as desired.
5. Special Rules:
(5) (A) Clarification. Any attempt to block or impede a defensive player results in a loss of down and return to the previous spot.
(5) (H) (d) Clarification. Overly aggressive DB pressing that crosses the line of scrimmage does result in a blitz.
(5) (H) (d) Clarification. Defensive player crossing the line before QB exchange on a run play is used as the defensive team’s blitz.
6. Tie Breaker Rules:
(6) (A) (c) Clarification. Running the ball is not allowed; teams must complete a pass.
(6) (A) (c) Clarification. Furthest completion rule in overtime; interceptions have no value.
(6) (A) Clarification. Pass interference during overtime results in a replay of the down.
(6) (A) Clarification. One point is awarded for an overtime win. If tied at 14 in overtime, the final score is declared 15-14 when a winner is decided.
7. Weather Policy:
7.1 Play through all weather, excluding extreme or unsafe conditions.
7.2 Lightning results in a 30-minute delay; subsequent lightning extends the delay.
7.3 Weather decisions are made by the acting event director.
7.4 Events subject to cancellation, relocation, rescheduling, or early ending due to weather.
7.5 Refunds or discounts due to weather are at the discretion of each event host.
8. Officials:
8.1 Each game has a minimum of 2 referees and 1 Field Manager.
8.2 Referee positions: 1 behind the defense, 1 on the line, and a third (if present) behind the offense.
8.3 Referee positions continued: If there are only two referees, the referee position will be behind the offense and cover sideline, while the second referee covers the middle and opposite sideline.
8.3 Head Referee/Field Judge oversees the 4-second clock behind the offense.
8.4 Referees and Field Managers assist with scorekeeping and time management.
8.5 Line Judges manage the game clock on the line of scrimmage.
8.6 If a 3rd official is present, they serve as the line judge opposite of the official behind the offense, tracking the 30-second play clock.
8.7 Field Managers assist with crowd control and rules discretions.
8.8 Field Managers do not have the authority to overturn Head Referee decisions.
8.9 Field Managers update live scoring in unison with the Head Referee.
8.10 Referees and Field Managers ensure games are on time and flow smoothly.
9. Eligibility
(9) (A) (a) Clarification. The 30 second clock starts immediately after a touchdown, in this time the scoring team must snap the ball if going for two or else it is a delay of game and loss of attempt.
10. Eligibility:
(10) (A) Clarification. Players are not eligible to play in different divisions within the same age group (D1/D2/D3)
(10) Clarification) Age challenges are not allowed, every player has been age verified before the tournament. For any questions, please address the event host AFTER the event.
11. Age Rules for Midwest 7v7 Football:
(11) Clarification. Players are eligible to play up or in higher age divisions.
(11) Clarification. Players can be on two teams if they are in different age divisions.
(11) Clarification. Players are not eligible to play down or in lower age divisions.